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Xeriscaping also called (zeroscaping) is a landscape design that is water-efficient and appropriate to the Greeley and Colorado environment. Xeriscaping is very familiar to residents of Arizona and other arid climates. Greeley and Colorado in general is actually part of … Continue reading
Patios Patios can serve a lot of different needs. Use your imagination in your patio design. This is your personal area of the yard, and should not only be attractive and functional, but it should also reflect your personality. There … Continue reading
Landscaping a walkway up to your house can be an attractive and inviting approach to your home. One of the first things you should decide is how the walkway will look, and how it well mesh with the surrounding landscape. … Continue reading
Trees and bushes are fairly low maintenance plants, but in particular, bushes should be trimmed annually. Trees are typically lower maintenance, but dead limbs should be removed every spring and fall to maintain the overall health of the tree. Tree … Continue reading
Yard cleanup in both spring and fall can be a dirty job, and Buffalo Landscaping is here to help. We’ll rake up and remove all those leaves and debris that accumulate over the summer or winter months. We also do … Continue reading
Does your fence resemble the picture at the right? If so, the fence posts are likely rotten and the fence will soon fall over. However, all is not lost. Cedar fences like this one are all over the Greeley area, … Continue reading
The condition and type of the soil under the grass is the most important element to the overall health of your lawn. Soil in the Greeley and surrounding area typically contains an abundance of clay, which is difficult for a … Continue reading
Heavily thatched lawns combined with depleted and compacted soil can make your lawn look less than desirable. You can fertilize and water regularly, and the lawn remains spotty-brown and unhealthy looking. Power or manual raking combined with aeration allows water … Continue reading